15 Nov

Fall project is complete – and some new help needed!

Happy November!

Thanks to the incredible generosity of so many of you, I got enough material, stuffing, and seeing help to make 100 heart pillows! Additionally, I was able to donate over 50 tissue holders and two dozen chemo headscarves. A huge THANK YOU to everyone who helped in any way!

Yesterday, I delivered all of these items to Doylestown Hospital to be given out to patients. They were so thrilled with the donation! A big thanks to Marguerite at the hospital for always supporting my projects and finding ways to match these items with those who need them most.

While I was there, I heard from Marguerite that the hospital is need of colorful pillowcases for children, burp cloths for newborns, and drawstring bags for the homeless. So- I’m gearing up for the next project to support them with those items! As always, your support is appreciated in helping me to help others in our community!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
