Make a Difference Day is coming – there’s still time to help!
First, I want to thank everyone who has helped with my Fall service project, collecting diapers and wipes for the Greater Philadelphia Diaper Bank. If you wanted to help but haven’t had a chance – there’s still time!
Make a Difference Day is on October 28, 2017 and my project has been approved as a project. That means I will be extending the collection until the end of October!
Please consider donating diapers of any size (even adult diapers!) and wipes to this worthy organization. If you don’t have time to shop, you can always donate through PayPal and I will pick them up!
I already have over 100 handmade bibs and burp cloths to donate plus nearly 1,000 diapers. Can you help me reach my goal of 1,500 diapers? I know we can do it!