Yesterday was a very exciting day!! My sewing machine was delivered and I was able to use it for the first time. Thanks to generous donations from Mike and Amy and Ms. Shuhler I was able to buy some great fabrics in children’s prints. I am including a picture of the fabric.
Here is a picture of me with my Buddee. It was taken 4 years ago at her 85th birthday party. You can see she has her walker with her and she has her beautiful butterfly sweater on!! Buddee and I had a great time at the party. She was very important to me.
Today my Grammy told me that she will buy me my own sewing machine so I can make more Buddee Bags. Right now I use my Grandma’s sewing machine. Thank you Grammy!!! Another thanks to my Tia who donated money to me for more supplies. Thank you to Tia!!!
The first samples of the walker bag and wheelchair bags are done. I think they turned out great! I have a few completely done and about 10 that are half way done. I want to include some patterns for younger kids too, so I will be looking for juvenile fabric. I am looking forward to bringing the first finished bags to a local Assisted Living residence.
Last week I had a chance to drop off the pillowcase dresses and shorts I made for Dresses With LovE. They are going to Arizona to be used for children on an Indian Reservation. I sewed 9 dresses and 15 shorts. I was really happy to get to meet Emma and see all of the dresses she has made and collected.
You can learn more about Dresses with LovE by clicking here.
There are photos in the Gallery and in the slideshow below:
Madeline helping Emma from Dresses With LovE
Dresses and shorts Madeline and her Grandma sewed for Dresses With LovE
Today is the official launch of my new website. I have been learning all about how to make a webpage to show what I am doing. We even got a beautiful new logo which is purple with a butterfly, which reminds me of my Buddee :]