17 Mar

Support from Karma for Cara

I am honored to announce that I have received a grant from the Karma for Cara foundation!

Karma for Cara was founded by 21-year-old Cara Becker and her family while she was being treated for leukemia in 2012.  I hope you will take some time to visit their website and learn about Cara, her legacy, and the foundation.  www.karmaforcara.org

With the funds received from this foundation, I will be working on items that I will donate to local children’s hospitals in Philadelphia.  I will be making bags (of course!) but will also be making homemade pillow cases and heart-shaped comfort pillows for children and teens who are in long-term hospital stays.

I am including a picture of an outer space themed heart pillow as a sample.  Be on the lookout in the next few weeks for pictures of the items and updates on where they are being donated.


Heart Pillow


04 Mar

An exciting day :)

Today was a very exciting day.  After lunch my grade was called into the auditorium for a special assembly.  My principal explained that we were all brought together because of a special award that she was very proud to give.  She read a letter from President Obama and showed us the Presidential Service Award.  Then she told us that in addition to the Presidential Award, there was more, a Certificate of Excellence from the Prudential Spirit of Community Award.

After she talked about the awards and read the letters, she announced that I was the person receiving them! I also got a Citizenship Medal from my principal! The whole grade clapped for me and congratulated me and my Mom and Dad were even there to see me get the awards!

I am very honored to have received these awards today and I am so glad that more people will know about Buddee Bags.

Mom and Dad with me at my school

Mom and Dad with me at my school






Prudential Award

Prudential Spirit of Community Certificate of Excellence


Presidential Service Award and Letter from President Obama

Presidential Service Award and Letter from President Obama